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Impact van de COVID-19 pandemie op het voorschrijven van antibiotica voor veelvoorkomende infecties in Nederland: een op eerstelijnszorg gebaseerde observationele cohortstudie.
Alma C van de Pol, Josi A Boeijen, Roderick P Venekamp, Tamara Schotelel, Roger A M J Damoiseaux, Marlous F Kortekaas, Gelijk W van der Velden. 2021

Developing a regional transmural care database: A roadmap
Debbie Vermond *, Charles W. Helsper, Marlous F. Kortekaas, Nicole Boekema, Esther de Groot,Niek J. de Wit, Dorien L.M. Zwart. Available online 16 January 2021. 

Incidence and management of acute otitis media in adults: a primary care-based cohort study.
Rijk, M. H., Hullegie, S., Schilder, A. G. M., Kortekaas, M. F., Damoiseaux, R. A. M. J., Verheij, T. J. M., & Venekamp, R. P. (2021).Family Practice.

Evaluatie van een zorgcontinuüm voor hart- en vaatziektenrisicomanagement binnen een lerend gezondheidszorgsysteem: een prospectief cohortonderzoek
T Katrien J Groenhof 1, Een Titia Lely 2, Saskia Haitjema 3, Hendrik M Nathoe 4, Marlous F Kortekaas 5, Folkert W Asselbergs 4 6 7, Michiel L Bots 5, Monika Hollander 5, UCC CVRM studiegroep BJGP Open. Print 2020 december

Inactivated influenza vaccine does not reduce all cause respiratory illness in children with pre-existing medical conditions.
de Hoog M.L.A., Venekamp R.P., Meijer A., Sanders E.A.M., Bruijning-Verhagen P.C.J.L. Vaccine. 2019.

Risk factors for incident heart failure in age- and sex-specific strata: a population-based cohort using linked electronic health records.
Uijl A., Koudstaal S., Direk K., Denaxas S., Groenwold R.H.H., Banerjee A., Hoes A.W., Hemingway H., Asselbergs F.W. Eur J
Heart Fail. 2019.

Excess early postnatal weight gain and blood pressure in healthy young children.
Jansen M.A.C., Uiterwaal C.S.P.M., van der Ent C.K., Grobbee D.E., Dalmeijer G.W. J Dev Orig Health Dis. 2019.

Potential for Reducing Time to Referral for Colorectal Cancer Patients in Primary Care.
van Erp N.F., Helsper C.W., Olyhoek S.M., Janssen R.R.T., Winsveen A., Peeters P.H.M., de Wit N.J. Ann Fam Med. 2019.

Zalf of crème? De behandeling van eczeem
Bakker, I., Sachs, A. & van der Velden, A.  2019.

Identification of patients with moderate medically unexplained physical symptoms in primary care with a five years follow-up.
van Westrienen P.E., Pisters M.F., Veenhof C., de Wit N.J. Br J Gen Pract. 2019.

Comorbidity in patients with cardiovascular disease in primary care: a cohort study with routine healthcare data.
Buddeke J., Bots M.L., van Dis I., Visseren F.L., Hollander M., Schellevis F.G., Vaartjes I. Br J Gen Pract. 2019.

Sex differences in cardiovascular risk management for people with diabetes in primary care: a cross-sectional study.
de Jong M., Vos R.C., de Ritter R., van der Kallen C.J., Sep S.J., Woodward M., Stehouwer C.D., Bots M.L., Peters S.A.  BMC Fam Pract. 2019.

Does pneumococcal conjugate vaccination affect onset and risk of first acute otitis media and recurrences? A primary care-based cohort study.
Fortanier A.C., Venekamp R.P., Hoes A.W., Schilder A.G.M. Vaccine. 2019.

Antibiotic treatment of gastroenteritis in primary care
Schierenberg A, Bruijning-Verhagen PCJ, van Delft S, Bonten MJM, de Wit NJ
J Antimicrob Chemother. 2019

Kan het diagnostisch traject bij kanker sneller?
​Van Erp, N.F., Helsper, C., Peeters, P. & de Wit, N. Ned. Tijdschrift Huisarts en wetenschap. 2019.

Routine primary care data for scientific research, quality of care programs and educational purposes: the Julius General Practitioners' Network (JGPN).
Smeets H.M., Kortekaas M.F., Rutten F.H., Bots M.L., van der Kraan W., Daggelders G., Smits-Pelser H., Helsper C.W., Hoes A.W., de Wit N.J. BMC Health Serv Res. 2018.

Young patients with cystic fibrosis demonstrate subtle alterations of the cardiovascular system.
Eising J.B., van der Ent C.K., Teske A.J., Vanderschuren M.M., Uiterwaal C.S.P.M., Meijboom F.J. J Cyst Fibros. 2018.

Huisarts verwijst merendeel kankerpatiënten snel door.
Fleuren, N. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd. 2018.

De polypil bij hart- en vaatziekte.
Bots, ,M.L. & Lafeber, M. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd. 2018.

Zijn de gegevens uit uw HIS een goudmijn?
Sollie, A., Numans, M. & Heslper, C. Huisarts wet. 2018.

Impetigo incidence and treatment: a retrospective study of Dutch routine primary care data.
Loadsman M.E.N., Verheij T.J.M., van der Velden A.W. Family Practice 2019.

Validity and reliability of a medical record review method identifying transitional patient safety incidents in merged primary and secondary care patients’ records.
van Melle, M.A., Zwart, D.L.M., Poldervaart, J.M., Verkerk, O.J., Langelaan, M. van Stel, H.F. and de Wit, N.J. BMJ Open. 2018.

Incidence of superficial venous thrombosis in primary care and risk of subsequent venous thromboembolic sequelae: a retrospective cohort study performed with routine healthcare data from the Netherlands.
Geersing G.J., Cazemier S., Rutten F., Fitzmaurice D.A., Hoes A.W. BMJ Open. 2018.

The association between a genetic risk score for allergy and the risk of developing allergies in childhood-Results of the WHISTLER cohort.
Arabkhazaeli A., Ahmadizar F., Leusink M., Arets H.G.M., Raaijmakers J.A.M., Uiterwaal C.S.P.M., van der Ent C.K., Maitland-van der Zee A.H., Vijverberg S.J.H. Pediatr Allergy Immunol. 2018.

Time to diagnosis and treatment for cancer patients in the Netherlands: Room for improvement?
Helsper C.C.W., van Erp N.N.F., Peeters P.P.H.M., de Wit N.N.J.Eur J Cancer. 2017.

Guideline adherence for diagnostic faeces testing in primary care patients with gastroenteritis.
Schierenberg A., Broekhuizen B.D.L., Nipshagen M.D., Kommer M.B.J., Bruijning-Verhagen P.C.J., van Delft S., van de Pol A.C., Bonten M.J.M., de Wit N.J. Family Practice. 2017.

Voorschrijven antibiotica huisartsenpost niet slechter dan dagpraktijk.
E. van Osselen. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd. 2017.

Een spugende zuigeling.
Steutel, N., Berger, M.Y. & Tabbers, M. Ned. Tijdschrift Huisarts en wetenschap. 2017.

Antenatal coffee and tea consumption and the effect on birth outcome and hypertensive pregnancy disorders.
van der Hoeven T., Browne J.L., Uiterwaal C.S.P.M., van der Ent C.K., Grobbee D.E., Dalmeijer G.W.
PLoS One. 2017.

Dementia incidence trend over 1992-2014 in the Netherlands: Analysis of primary care data.
van Bussel E.F., Richard E., Arts D.L., Nooyens A.C., Coloma P.M., de Waal M.W., van den Akker M., Biermans M.C., Nielen M.M., van Boven K., Smeets H., Matthews F.E., Brayne C., Busschers W.B., van Gool W.A., Moll van Charante E.P. PLoS Med. 2017.

Antibiotic prescribing in relation to diagnoses and consultation rates in Belgium, the Netherlands and Sweden: use of European quality indicators.
Tyrstrup M., van der Velden A., Engstrom S., Goderis G., Molstad S., Verheij T., Coenen S., Adriaenssens N.. Scand J Prim Health Care. 2017.

Adult derived genetic blood pressure scores and blood pressure measured in different body postures in young children.
Jansen M.A., Dalmeijer G.W., Visseren F.L., van der Ent C.K., Leusink M., Onland-Moret N.C., Maitland-van der Zee A.H., Grobbee D.E., Uiterwaal C.S. Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2017.

Primary care management of women with breast cancer-related concerns-a dynamic cohort study using a network database.
Sollie A., Helsper C.W., Ader R.J., Ausems M.G., van der Wouden J.C., Numans M.E. Eur J Cancer Care (Engl). 2016.

Huisartsen kennen hun kankerpatiënten maar registeren ze slecht.
Van Osselen, E. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd. 2016.

Effectiveness of a Proactive Primary Care Program on Preserving Daily Functioning of Older People: A Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial.
Bleijenberg N., Drubbel I., Schuurmans M.J., Dam H.T., Zuithoff N.P., Numans M.E., de Wit N.J. Am Geriatr Soc, 2016.

Antibiotic Treatment for First Episode of Acute Otitis Media Is Not Associated with Future Recurrences.
Te Molder M., de Hoog M.L., Uiterwaal C.S., van der Ent C.K., Smit H.A., Schilder A.G.,Damoiseaux R.A., Venekamp R.P.
PLoS One. 2016.

Do GPs know their patients with cancer? Assessing the quality of cancer registration in Dutch primary care: a cross-sectional validation study. Sollie A., Roskam J., Sijmons R.H., et al. BMJ Open 2016.

Kosten per IBS-patiënt in tweede lijn hoger dan in eerste lijn.
Verstappen, W. Ned. Tijdschrift Huisarts en wetenschap. 2016.

Identification of patients at risk for colorectal cancer in primary care: an explorative study with routine healthcare data.

Koning N.R., Moons L.M., Büchner F.L., Helsper C.W., Ten Teije A., Numans M.E. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2015.

Comparison of medical costs generated by IBS patients in primary and secondary care in the Netherlands.
Flik, C.E., Laan, W., Smout, A.J.P.M. et al. BMC Gastroenterol 2015.

Diagnosis of allergy against beta-lactams in primary care: prevalence and diagnostic criteria.
Salden, O.A.E., Rockmann, H., Verheij, T.J.M., Broekhuizen, B.D.L. Family Practice, Volume 32, Issue 3, 2015.

Overdiagnosis of asthma in children in primary care: a retrospective analysis.
Looijmans-van den Akker I., van Luijn K., Verheij T. Br J Gen Pract. 2016.

Parent-Reported Symptoms of Acute Otitis Media during the First Year of Life: What Is beneath the Surface?
Fortanier, A.C., Venekamp, R.P., de Hoog, M.L.A., Uiterwaal, C.S.P.M., van der Gugten, A.C., van der Ent, C.K., Hoes,  A.W. and Schilder, A.G.M. 

E-health and consultation rates for respiratory illnesses in infants: a randomised clinical trial in primary care.
van der Gugten A.C., Uiterwaal C.S., Verheij T.J., van der Ent C.K. Br J Gen Pract. 2015.

Measurement of ECG abnormalities and cardiovascular risk classification: a cohort study of primary care patients in the Netherlands.
Groot A., Bots M.L., Rutten F.H., den Ruijter H.M., Numans M.E., Vaartjes I. Br J Gen Pract 2015.

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