
Anna Marzà Florensa

Secondary prevention of coronary heart disease. Global perspectives.

AMF thesis cover
(Co) promotoren
Promotor: Prof. dr. D.E. Grobbee Copromotors: Dr. C.H. Vaartjes Dr. K. Klipstein-Grobusch
Lees het proefschrift online


This thesis explores risk factors and medication use in patients with coronary heart disease with a global health approach. The first chapters focus on South America with a systematic review and data from the CESCAS Study, to find that medication use was suboptimal, but similar use by insurance coverage. We also report higher occurrence of multiple risk factors in women compared to men. Next, the EUROASPIRE V Study shows poor control levels in hypertensive patients. The following chapter focuses on SURF CHD II, a survey designed to facilitate research in small or resource-constrained centers. The results show poor target attainment and differences by educational level globally. Finally, the opportunities to improve surveys in secondary prevention are discussed.

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